
22 Oils in 22 Days (1980)

22 Oils in 22 days (1980)

In February 1980, in a frenzy of inspiration, Yolanda del Riego created a series of 22 oil paintings in 22 days, each one inspired by a different musical composition. 

The paintings were the subject of an exhibition titled 22 Oils in 22 Days in March 1980 at the Collector's Gallery (Anchorage, Alaska) . As YR described in the exhibition catalog: “an obsessive cycle of painting and introspection…painting the internal struggle of my being".

The paintings were later exhibited in March 1983 at the Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (ICI). From the catalog essay for the exhibition:

"A discourse of total impetuousness, without doubt, our leading expressionist painter. A direct creation, tremendously beautiful, live and spontaneous." —José Castro Arines

Oil on canvas, 152 x 152 cm