IV. Island Influences (1997-2007)
Looking for a place to set up her new studio, Yolanda del Riego arrived on the island of Arousa in 1997. The influence of Galician marine landscapes soon became evident in her work. Etchings and collagraphs soft ground with seaweed and corals in the textures were the subject of a 1998 exhibition titled “Impressions and Expressions”.
YR on Arousa Island
" Yolanda del Riego’s painting is an art of imagination, that is, an art of combining memories. Memories, especially of Nature: chaotic jungles, dense forests, virgin lands and of intensely lived scattered territories...., evocations of clouds throughout the four seasons and luminous boreal skies; snatched fragments and impetuous abstractions of an internalized lyrical landscape; mountains and suns of a consistent presence, but also secret and evasive panoramas; dense gusts of life and organic colors, and aerial interludes of luminous plentitude, of pure light-color ... because Yolanda must think —like René Huyghe— that 'the existence of everything that receives light is enhanced, and that which is deprived of it appears to be immersed in nothing.' All of this, captured with a sense of infinity —that is, with romantic expression—, to ensure that the ordinary becomes enigma, that the known acquires the seduction of secrecy, that the finite adopt the appearance and dignity of the infinite. "
—José Marín Medina [Extract from the catalog text for the exhibition “Impressions and Expressions”,
Rafael Garcia Gallery (Madrid), 1998]